
Reimagine Student Application with Formstack

January 5, 2024
Min Read

Welcome to the digital revolution in education! Gone are the days of endless paperwork and confusing application processes. Its time to turn the tedious task of student applications into a smooth (almost fun) adventure. In this video demo, we’re walking through how you can eliminate outdated, paper-based processes and replace them with a streamlined and efficient application experience.

Tools Needed

Before we dive into the magic of Formstack, here's what you'll need:

Formstack Forms: Your new best friend for form creation and management.

Formstack Sign: Seamlessly capture student signatures.

Optional Single Sign-On (SSO) System: If you’re institution has an SSO system, this demo showcases how it can be used to prefill your Formstack Forms.Document Delivery: Formstack integrates with your favorite cloud-storage and document management solutions, like SharePoint, for keeping everything tidy and in place.


Transforming your application process is as easy as 1-2-3-4:

Step One: Use Formstack's no-code, drag-and-drop builder to create and customize your application forms. Implement conditional logic to display relevant fields based on student choices.

Step Two: Application Submission and Automated Processing: Students fill out and submit applications. The forms can be prefilled with data from your SSO system. Upon submission, a dynamic confirmation message is displayed.

Step Three: Utilize Formstack Sign to send signature requests to students and faculty as required. This streamlines the document approval and verification process.

Step Four: Manage submissions through Formstack's interface. Store and organize completed forms and documents in your chosen document delivery repositories for easy access and archival.

Want to see more Formstack tutorials? Check out all our product tutorials to learn even more about what you can achieve with Formstack products.

With Formstack, the student application process becomes not just simpler, but also more adaptable to the diverse needs of modern educational institutions. This digital transformation paves the way for a smoother, more efficient, and user-centric application journey.

Embark on a journey to modernize your student application process with Formstack. For more details or a live demonstration, contact us today. Let's make your application process a benchmark for efficiency and convenience.


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Formstack is a SaaS company with a mission to help organizations digitize what matters, automate workflows, and fix processes—all without code. A variety of team members come together to compile posts under Formstack's authorship.
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